Yesterday we released our new version. The new version is mainly about bugfixes that we collected in the last few months. What is interesting is that the bugs mostly were created by the fact that the world around us is changing. When we started, php was at version 4-5, and now we are at version 7 (מיט 7.2 causing deprecation for some functions and changes to regular expressions). WordPress was somewhere at version 3, now with version 5 that have introduced new features (and a new quotes related bug which was extremely tricky to find). But still – we adapted, and we hope that the coming year will bring some more new releases and interesting features we will be able to share with all of you.
דערהייַנטיקן 10/1/19 Please note that php 5.2 is no longer supported. If you must use it please download version or below.
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